Yangtze River Travel Brochure Rubric
(Word Version)

Student Name:     ________________________________________Class:__________








Content - Accuracy

All facts in the brochure are accurate.

99-90% of the facts in the brochure are accurate.

89-80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate.

Fewer than 80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate.

Spelling & Proofreading

No spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure.

No more than 1 spelling error remains after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure.

No more than 3 spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure.

Several spelling errors in the brochure.

Writing – Vocabulary & Description

The authors correctly use several new words and define words unfamiliar to the reader. Four or more sentences for each description.

The authors correctly use a few new words and define words unfamiliar to the reader. At least 4 sentences for each description.

The authors try to use some new vocabulary, but may use 1-2 words incorrectly. Less than four sentences for each description

The authors do not incorporate new vocabulary. Less than four sentences for each description.

Attractiveness & Organization

The brochure has exceptionally attractive formatting and well-organized information.

The brochure has attractive formatting and well-organized information.

The brochure has well-organized information.

The brochure's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader.


Graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics.

Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text.

Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and the brochure seems "text-heavy".

Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen.


Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 95-100% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.

Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 94-85% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.

Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of 84-75% of the facts and graphics in the brochure.

Sources are not documented accurately or are not kept on many facts and graphics
